Miral — CSR Animation

Miral's long-standing commitment to the people and communities they serve, inspired a new Group CSR Strategy to create a positive impact across society.

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 Made up of eight CSR Pillars that directly align with UN Sustainable Development Goals… Each CSR Pillar is built on one of the three brand pillars. (People / Community / Environment)

Made up of eight CSR Pillars that directly align with UN Sustainable Development Goals… Each CSR Pillar is built on one of the three brand pillars. (People / Community / Environment)

 We developed a 90 second script for both English and Arabic voice over. This was was meticulously crafted to ensure the speed of both deliveries was timed to perfection. From this VO, we could develop the visual narrative to support the topics and t

We developed a 90 second script for both English and Arabic voice over. This was was meticulously crafted to ensure the speed of both deliveries was timed to perfection. From this VO, we could develop the visual narrative to support the topics and transition from one scene to the next.

 Thorough animation tests are carried out throughout the development.

Thorough animation tests are carried out throughout the development.

 See below the full 90 second animation

See below the full 90 second animation